Donate to Safergrass

This website can only survive with your financial support.

The Safergrass website was down for the better part of a year due to lack of funds to hire a webmaster. The old site was obsolete, got hacked and removed. I, Katy Watts, figured out this new web design software so I could get the information back up with the limited funding available from a few donors. If you value this information and want to keep it available, I need your help. Web hosting costs money. I sell nothing. I no longer give consultations or seminars. People have told me that the information here saved their horses life. Credible sources of information about sugar in grass and hay are not accessible to people without access to a university library. Even $10 tells me that you value my educational efforts. Thank you.

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seeking credible evidenced-based information about laminitis.

Thank you for your support